Call Today! Mexican Cell 52 613 116 6827 ~ USA cell 530-786-4395
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52 613 116 6827 ~ From USA: 530-786-4395

109 Oriente Jose Maria Morelos and the Malecon at Hotel Las Cabanas de Loreto

Loreto, B.C.S., Mexico 23880



Closing Costs

This is a brief explanation of what they are, and why they are what they are.

Property Closing Costs in Loreto run from a minimum of about 4% to as much as 10%

Closing costs are an important consideration and Mision Loreto Properties is here to help you navigate them. If you’ve been involved in a transaction in Mexico, you’ve probably been shocked at the closing costs.   If you haven’t, then you probably will be.   This is a brief explanation of what they are, and why they are what they are.

The total cost will run from a minimum of about 4% of the purchase price for a very expensive property, to as much as 10% for the least expensive one, with an average of usually somewhere in between.    Some of the costs are fixed, and others are related to the price being paid.

The biggest item, in most cases, will be the acquisition tax (“ISABI”), which is a flat 2% of the price stated in pesos as of the date of closing, charged to the buyer.  Since most purchase agreements are specified in dollars, the exact amount cannot be known until closing, when the current exchange rate between pesos and dollars is known, and applied to the dollar figure, and then the result multiplied by .02.

Other variable amounts, typically charged as a percentage of sales price in pesos, include:

  • Notary fees, appraiser’s fee, and
  • Various registration fees at the tax office (called Catastro), and
  • Public registry.

Fixed fees include:

  • Foreign Affairs Ministry permit and
  • Registration,
  • Preventive notice,
  • Certificates of no liens and of
  • Property taxes paid,
  • Trustee bank’s acceptance fee and
  • First year’s fee,
  • Closing coordinator’s fee,
  • US bank escrow fee for purchase money control, and
  • A preliminary title report.

The closing coordinator will prepare and furnish the buyer an estimate of closing costs as soon as the bargain is reached.    Buyer will then be asked to deposit 50% of these costs immediately, in the special trust account the closer maintains for handling closing costs.   The advance payment of 50% and the direct furnishing of funds for the closer to disburse is necessary because, in contrast to US practice, substantial sums must be paid out in advance of closing, in order to start the process and move it toward that closing.

The second half of the costs are then typically due a few days before the scheduled signing.  The final total of costs is not typically known until some weeks after the signing when the fideicomiso is finally presented to the public registry.   All the costs are of course accounted for in detail in the buyer’s final closing costs statement, and an appropriate refund made.