Call Today! Mexican Cell 52 613 116 6827 ~ USA cell 530-786-4395
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52 613 116 6827 ~ From USA: 530-786-4395

109 Oriente Jose Maria Morelos and the Malecon at Hotel Las Cabanas de Loreto

Loreto, B.C.S., Mexico 23880



Ejidos in Loreto, BCS

Ejidos in Loreto BCS, Mision loreto Properties

Ejidos in Loreto, BCS: what are “ejidos”?

A basic title search we order at the start of any transaction will reveal if there is any ejidal history to be dealt with.

These parcels of land were created starting in the 1920s, to fulfill an objective of the 1910 Revolution, which was to return ownership of the land to those who worked on it. Think Indian reservations. And then rethink it a little. Large tracts of land were set aside and in effect deeded within a federal system known as the Agrarian Registry, to the families that farmed or ranched them, as a group.

geology and topography of the Loreto region. Mision Loreto properties.

Geology and topography of the Loreto region

There are several ejidos in the Loreto area. Any transaction in which land that is or was part of an ejido must be carefully carried out to insure that special rules adopted in the 1990’s for valid alienation of ejido land are or were followed, so that a good and valid title results. The basic title search we order at the start of any transaction will reveal if there is any ejidal history to be dealt with, and should identify any shortcomings that may have occurred in the past regarding the property. We can assist in assessing these findings and assure that you get good advice from a professional skilled in these issues, should there be any question.

–The geology and topography of the Loreto region, extending from Bahía Concepción to Agua Verde, is a coastal belt consisting “mainly of a narrow belt of ridges, valleys, and pediments adjacent to the escarpment, low- to moderate-elevation ranges transverse to the coast, and narrow coastal plains”.[Wikipedia]